Shortcuts Functionality description
Command + C/V/X/A/Z Copy/Paste/Cut/Select all/Withdraw
Option + Command + M + H Minimize all windows
Command + M Minimize current window
Control + A Locate to the row beginning
Control + E Locate to the row ending
Command + Space Open the searching bar
Command + +/-/0 Enlarge/Zoom/Revert browser font size
Option + Command + I Open the console for chrome browser
Shift + Command + 3/4 Capture the whole/self-defined screen
Control + Command + Q Lock the screen


# 快速定位指定文件位置

locate www.conf

# 查找user、group名,一般是php

vi /usr/local/php7/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf


chown -R php.php /usr/local/nginx/html/wordpress/


service php-fpm restart
